Constitution and Bylaws Committee

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Standing Committee Charge:

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for considering and proposing any changes to the MPS Constitution and Bylaws. The Chair shall be appointed annually by the President. Additional members shall be appointed by the President, upon recommendation of the Chair.

From The Constitution and Bylaws of the Massachusetts Psychiatric Society 

Article XVI –Committees
There shall be the following standing Committees of the MPS: Executive, Nominating, Membership, Constitution and Bylaws, Fellowship, Ethics and Continuing Medical Education.

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for considering and proposing any changes to the MPS Constitution and Bylaws. The Chair shall be appointed annually by the President. Additional members shall be appointed by the President, upon recommendation of the Chair.

All Chairs of MPS committees or other entities are to be appointed yearly by the President [except where otherwise specified in the Constitution and Bylaws and shall be limited to three consecutive terms] unless this term limit is overridden by a two-thirds vote of the MPS Executive Committee.

No member of the MPS or organizational unit thereof shall speak in the name of, or encumber the funds of, the MPS unless such power is specifically granted by the MPS President or by a formal action of the Council of the MPS.

Article XVII –Attendance
Attendance at meetings of the Council, committees or other organizational entities: shall be open to all members of the MPS except for the meetings of the Ethics Committee. All organizational entities of the MPS may go into Executive Session.