APA Representatives
Chapter Presidents Southeastern Mass Chapter
Christine Amis, MD President
From THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS PSYCHIATRIC SOCIETY Article IX -The Council Section 1. The Council of the MPS shall be responsible to provide for and oversee implementation of the policies of the MPS that are not otherwise assigned.Section 2. The voting members of the Council shall be the five officers, the six Councilors, all Representatives to the Assembly of the APA, the Member-in- Training Representative to the Council and the President of each Chapter .Section 3. A majority of the voting members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.Section 4. The Council shall meet eight times each year and at such times as the President may decide. By petition, one-third of its voting members may call a special meeting of the Council.Section 5. The responsibilities of the Council shall include: (1) interpreting the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws; (2) establishing dues and assessments for the several categories of membership;(3) authorizing expenditures from the funds of the MPS to implement its goals and purposes; (4) appointing an Executive Director who shall function as a full-time administrator of the MPS; (5) acting upon matters referred from any organizational entity; and (6) performing all other acts consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws that may be needed to carry out the purposes and resolves of the MPS.Section 6. The Council may, at its discretion, delegate to the Executive Committee, composed of the President, President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the designated Representative, authority to act on matters which require action prior to the next Council meeting, providing that all such actions are reported at the next scheduled meeting of the Council. Such delegation shall not include the expenditure of funds of greater than an amount specified by the Council |